Saturday, July 14, 2012

La Ceiba on a Saturday!

Hello all!

This morning Larry informed us of an opportunity on Monday out with an organization that's getting a local farmer started using the SALT technique! So today we needed to go to the market and get everything. Our time here is short so I won't be able to upload all my journals so I'll just give a brief summary of the week.

After going into town Monday we spent some time around campus cleaning up and after dinner Karla, Jeremiah and I went to get topas (small ice cream type snack) up the road. I enjoy walking the road up through Las Mangas and talking with these new found friends I live with. We have some great conversations about their families and life. Tonight we talked about their views on Alcohol and the standards that Larry and Allison have set for them while they live in this community. It was cool to hear their perspectives and see their maturity as adults and spiritually. When we got back, Yui, Allison and I spent some time together. It continues to be a blessing to have these women to talk things out with and to learn from. The intentional community I am receiving here and Allison's methods of discipleship through relationship have been awesome. Yui and I stayed up a little later and tried to make some lemon grass tea with the lemon grass near our room. After a failed attempt we decided to get Jeremiah to help us later.

Tuesday I learned a lesson on communication. I worked with a farmer named Toyano and through broken spanish we planted some Yuca and created some pepper wholes for later transplants. It was good to get to know Toyano and work with him. At 75 years old, he's still working like a horse! yes, 75! that wasn't a typo! The work ethic of these people continues to amaze me. Since this is a summary, I'll stop there, but this time with Toyano really expanded my take on communication cross-culturally and making sure the job gets done while still keeping those relational ties.

On Wednesday we spent some time with Rubinea again. This is the same lady we helped out last week who is building her house. We moved more Adobe blocks and hauled some sand from the river up the mountain. Rubinea and her family live at the top of this hill...

and this job would have taken them days if we were not able to help. It was wonderful to be able to give them this act of service and to spend time eating with her family again. God bless her and the joy she brings this world.

Thursday Yui and I killed a chicken again. This time, I took the lead in killing, de-feathering, and gutting the chicken. It was a unique experience once again :)

Later that morning we went to the clinic for Joel's appointment with the hand specialist. Jess (a visiting friend) and I got to talk to Dr. John about their dream of expanding their services to more villages off the main road. Jess is very interested in midwifery and it was cool to be part of this conversation. The clinic really wants to work hand-in-hand with the local midwifes. They don't want to mess with the natural system these women have created passing their skill down, but they want to give more education and assistance in emergency situations. This is a great way to approach the community and I was excited to hear about this as an upcoming development. Jess and Karla are talking about doing some interviews with local midwifes and I hope to be part of that next week. Please pray for this development!
ALSO, later that night, BABY ANNA ELIZABETH SMOAKS WAS BORN! Praise the Lord for a healthy and safe delivery. I wish I could express to you the excitement our community has had in welcoming this new baby girl! Thank you for your prayers!

Because Larry and Allison and many of the young people from the discipleship group were busy at the clinic watching Eva and anticipating the birth, Yui and I made sure that everything continued to run smoothly on campus Thursday night and most of Friday. Keeping up with all of the responsibilities and people who help around the property was difficult but brought great growth for both of us and stretched us to use our spanish a little more. Stewardship is always difficult and I thought alot about how we are are to be good stewards of the things God has given us and the gifts, talents, and responsibilities He has blessed us with as children in his kingdom similarly to the way Yui and I were asked to steward what was going on on campus while everyone was away. This day has given me a beautiful picture of what God wants for His children as we wait in anticipation for his return.
Friday night we also had a birthday party for Luis and Anna :) After dinner, everyone went around the table sharing what they appreciate about him. Larry shared that birthdays are for celebrating life and thanking God for the life He has given in that person. Our lives would be so different if we take out even one person from them.

So basically, I'm REALLY enjoying my time here. Its been great to learn from this community and I am excited for the remaining 10 days I have here. At the same time, I can't wait to be back with all of you and apply the things I've learned about relationships, discipleship, development, agriculture and just life in general. I miss you all and I ask that you would continue to keep me in your prayers. Feel free to leave some comments if you ever have questions or anything. I would love to hear from you all!

Praying for you all!

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