Monday, July 9, 2012

Thursday 7.5.12

This morning we visited Instituto Del Rey and the Jungle Hospital clinic just up the road. The Instituto Del Rey is a high school that was established by some local missionaries and is very development minded. The students who attend here are asked to pay 100 limpedas (about $5.00 US dollars) per month. And if they are unable to pay this, they have the option of coming to work on Saturdays. This price was researched and is based on the average cash spent on sodas each month. Leaders figured that if the family wants their children to have a good education, it should be worth giving up sodas. This school has built a reputation with the local universities and many students have been given the opportunity for further education. In Honduras students are only required to complete their math and language competency in order to graduate but at Instituto Del Rey, students must take their education further and gain competency in computers and social studies and many students also receive a certificate of english competency. Many schools in Honduras lack discipline and the students are only required to be in each class for 30 minutes. Here, students are required to be in class 45 minutes at a time creating space for students to develop a sense of discipline. Also, through the christian standards of this instutution, a sense of integrity is formed. Giving students this sense of discipline and integrity continues to equip them for the future in positive ways. Many students are now in Tegucigalpa or San Pedro Sula studying medicine or engineering and two former students are now teaching at the Instituto Del Rey! It is great to see the sustainable work of this school. 

After touring the school, Yui and I pruned a Moringa tree that the school allows Larry to care for and we loaded it onto the truck. When we got back, Yui, Allison and I spent some intentional time together. Allison makes a point to take time out of her week to sit down with us and check in on how we are doing mind, body and soul. This is one of the intentional ways that she disciples us. It was great to get some time talk to these women and I am encouraged by their faith and love for God daily. 

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