Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Monday 7.23.12

Today was my last day in Honduras. I am sad to leave all of these wonderful people, but truly excited for the things God is leading me towards in the future. We spent today working with a local farmer, Pablo in La Muralla. He has been interested in the SALT method for years, but is just getting to the point where he is able to do it! This was so exciting to learn from him as an example of a farmer who sees the benefits of the SALT method compared to the traditional slash and burn. Poblo is doing barriers with an organization called INGA (which is the name of the trees he will plant for the living barriers) starting tomorrow. I was a little bummed that we have to leave tomorrow and won’t be able to help him get started but today we were able to help a little in bringing the trees up a VERY steep slope where he will be planting them. This is a picture of us with 2 of his daughters. I continue to be astounded by what these farmers are capable of and their drive for survival among some of the toughest conditions. I pray that this work ethic would continue to be valued for generations in Honduras.
After working all day, we spent dinner together as a family at the beach. While using large leaves for plates and eating chicken, the community sent Yui and I off with words of affirmation sharing things they have learned from us and joys we have brought to this community. I will continue to cherish their words on my travels home tomorrow. Please pray for all of them and that God’s presence would continue to be made known to them as they continue to give so much of themselves to the local community through agricultural development and discipleship. 

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